From far away everything does not look like much but up close I am finally noticing things beginning to grow. It is definitely about time. Here are some of the pictures that I took today.
Red and some White Kohlrabi
A very beautiful orange Swiss ChardSadly this beautiful thing will probably most likely be gone tomorrow, since everyday more and more of my swiss chard keep getting eaten by either the rabbits or the deer or both.
Red Russian Kale to the right, and to the left some still smaller Dwarf Blue Scotch Curled Kale
Sadly one of my better looking basils, variety of which i forgot to figure outMy basils really took all the water issues and soil problems hard but are just now starting to move along, so at least there is hope.
A few rows of sad looking beans, four varieties yellow, green, purple, and striped varieties.Hopefully they will start looking better now that they are no longer sitting in water.
Some still small but finally growing rows of bell and sweet peppers
One of many rows of once again small but finally growing zucchini and summer squash
Sadly this is one of my larger tomatoes, but as long as is can keep form raining the tomatoes will finally begin to grow and are looking better now. That being said, the bad news is we will not have any tomatoes for a little while now, but the good news is that we should eventually get tomatoes, which after the start of this year will make me very happy.
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